This is an incomplete prototype made for a gamejam

Lonely Lusty Island is a simple menu-driven erotic Island Survival Game.

  • Keep up your energy
  • Maintain a comfortable temperature.
  • Don't starve.
  • Don't fall to Lust.


  • This is an unfinished prototype and many things are not properly communicated to the player.
  • There is no win condition, and loss screens are plain text.
  • 3 Sex Scenes, and 13 Clothing options

This game was created as part of NSFWMiniJam7.

Update 7/23

  • Fixed issue with exhaustion repeating
  • Adjusted some values (Cold Mind reduced, Camp Rest Improved, Fishing issue fixed)

Rated 3.8 out of 5 stars
(20 total ratings)
AuthorImperial Pixe
TagsAdult, beach, island, NSFW, Pixel Art


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Game actually has some good promise!  Needs animations since that is the main appeal, but the concept is good and it's fun trying all the options.  Keep working on this.


hey just a list of ideas 1 a slime that ruins your outfit as it fucks you 2 a tribe of monkeys that drag you to there village it could have gang bangs and a footjob with the king monkey 3 a plant that sprays you with a gas that makes you play with yourself 4 a spider cave that gives you a web outfit but fills you with eggs having your mind stat drain faster and  pregnancy that can cause different endings  like the monkey king makes you his wife


Clicking options is frequently not responsive, as it will click on something I didn't click. Also, if you enter the campfire and then exit without burning anything, the next menu option you click will get "burnt", although it isn't removed. I feel like it's basically only barely possible to break even in terms of food with fishing, and the berries are worse because they also drop your Mind stat. An improvement to that is needed, perhaps giving the ability to cook caught fish over the campfire instead of just burning them. I like all the clothes options, but I wish that your inventory wasn't so limited. 

The game also lacks much of a goal, making it seem aimless. The only "goal" I can see is to collect the interesting clothing items, like the Bikini and Sling, but they just get given randomly from exploration without the player being told that they exist. Something like being able to combine a number of sticks into maybe a "wardrobe" structure at the camp so that you could store your clothing and not have it take up inventory space, maybe even allow you to "save" clothing items you obtained and since broke? That would help two issues in one stroke.

Also, I think it would be cool if you get tan-lines depending on the clothes you are wearing when you tan. Maybe even making a plant spawn in the forest that you could use for, like, anti-tan cream to undo your tans so you can see what other tan-lines look like?

Overall, I do like the game and  the artstyle is very charming, but it's pretty lacking is substance, as one might expect from a mini-Jam game.

Thanks for the feedback. I pretty much agree with all of it. (Though actually doing tan-lines might be difficult.)

I plan to do a v2 on this so hopefully I can address a lot of that.

👍 🙂

Wish there was a small animation for the scenes

one question is there a walkthrough for this game and how will she survive naked and how many days until you win the game?

I will say that the buttons need to be adjusted as sometimes it fails too much and is triggered when it does not, add misturbance and interactions with the creatures to facilitate survival and increase the obtaining of food.

It says there are three sex scenes, but i only found 2: the monkey and the squid. What's the third one?

Last one is Dolphin during Relax


I would love to see a more developed version of this. I really like the vision here!



Definitely one of the places the game isn't properly balanced/play-tested, but it's doable.

Fishing is reliable if you have a Stick or Spear and you really just need to keep at 1 point of Hunger to not starve so you can last pretty much indefinitely if you hang out at the sea after getting one of those from the woods.


Good but need more