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I'm stuck on whore 3, does anyone know how to solve it?

You can just charge straight in and take the hit. As long as you finish with full health you'll get 3 stars

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't know whether this was intentional, but this game gives me a lot of Paquerette vibes. It's definitely not the same, but it feels oddly similar. I'm a big fan of this kind of AI-movement-type puzzle game, and the pixel art style really adds charm. But, having more detail on how the stars actually work in-game would be good. Like, it took me until I read the description to figure out the two extra stars are "no damage" and "limited moves". And I still don't know whether the stars do anything besides completion. Like, does having stars factor into unlocking character cards? Also, having the move counter in the menu is a bit of an issue for me personally. For one, I didn't discover it existed until later on than I feel I should have, and also, being able to track your moves via the counter more easily while playing the game would probably be good. And I feel like having damage carry over between levels is a bit odd design-wise, since you can literally just go back to one of the stages that introduces the Whore and just heal off her between each stage.

Deleted 1 year ago

I've never seen this bunny game before, but I see what you mean. Definitely the same puzzle genre.

As far as the stars and unlocking cards getting that kind of information in the game instead of just in the dev notes is definitely a priority for the next release. 

Good to know. Also, thanks for the extremely prompt response.


I really enjoy the puzzles in this game, they present some fun situations and are short enough to never get frustrating! The ranged enemies in the new update add a lot to that. My only two suggestions regarding the puzzle aspect would be to restore player health between maps (and maybe have less of it), and to ramp up the difficulty a bit faster in the early levels.

The cards are a really great addition and give more of a reason to master the game. It takes a bit to undress a girl, so she's usually not one of the commonly encountered enemies when you get her naked. Perhaps you could associate each level with a lady who makes an appearance in it, so that any stars earned will contribute towards undressing her specifically? That sort of change would also let players pick who they want to see naked first, rather than getting all of the pictures in order.

Love the pixel art, you do a lot with a very limited palette.


Glad you enjoyed it so far!

Current progression on the cards is definitely more based on what assets I have made so far than any intent on my end.  


A fine game. Fingers crossed for more enemies!


Have a couple more ready to add, but probably going to hold off until some time in late July for a more significant update.


Quite an enjoyable puzzle game, can't wait for updates!


Hey that was fun! Your animations are nice and the sprites are super solid and readable. I think you have something good here. Keep it up! :D